Thank you for your interest in the ThinkGenetic Foundation!
Your donations allow our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to give back in meaningful ways. With your generous support, we can further our mission and objectives to improve the quality of life for those affected by rare genetic diseases through education, information, and access to services. You may designate a specific use for your donation if you wish. Every dollar helps, and your donations are greatly appreciated.
Patient Support
A donation to our patient support program will help us ease the financial burden of travel and medical expenses for individuals and families affected by a genetic disease.
The Pro-GC Program
A donation to our grant program helps us support genetic counselors, ancillary providers, and genetic counseling students to expand their knowledge in subspecialty areas in clinical genetics through funding for continuing education and reimbursement for professional fees.
General Donation
A donation to the ThinkGenetic Foundation helps us improve the quality of life for those living with or at-risk for a genetic condition through education, quality information, access to genetic counseling, genetic testing, and partnerships with the advocacy community.